American Drilling Company specializes in precision gundrilling with capabilities for small diameters from 0.049 to large diameters up to 4.5″.
Experienced with close tolerance and precision finishes.

2" Gundrilling Machine w/ Counter-Rotation

Our capabilities include:
- .049 to 4.5″ diameter holes up to 60″ deep
- Over 30 Gundrilling Machines to meet your needs
- Offset holes, Table Positioning, XYZ
- Counter Rotating the work-piece for better hole concentricity
 Small Hole (.035) Gundrilling Machine
- Lube Holes in Bolts (including tapping and cross holes)
- Quality system per MIL-I-45208
- Calibration system per MIL-STD-45662
- Our lead-time on most jobs is less than one week!!!
- All industries: Aerospace, Medical, Commercial, Military, Automotive, Electronics, etc.
- All materials (Inconel, Waspalloy, A-286, Titanium 6-4, MP35N, M-2, 4130, 8740, 15-5PH, PH13-8MO, Greek Assc., Rene 41, H-11, S-7, 440C, etc.)

Gundrilling Machines